The industrial revolution provides a change in class
and home structure that makes society re-evaluate masculinity and femininity-
male and female roles. People start migrated away from country and farming to cities and factory work. This change eventually created a middle class. Naturally this change lends to other change in the home, particularly male and female roles.
What is a 'fallen woman'?
fallen woman is a Victorian woman with sexual experience. In almost every
situation, a fallen woman has a "sexual trespass that produced her
fall" (Auerbach 30). Fallen woman are popularly prostitutes, which were
very common during the Victorian era. The fallen women is the opposite of the
ideal women. However, the husbands of ideal women will still turn to fallen
women for sexual experiences. Ideal women are regarded as innocent and angelic
and society teaches that they need to be kept that way and often that excludes
them from any sexual experiences, even after marriage. Although the majority of
prostitutes' clients are "bachelors postponing marriage... middle-class
youths... soldiers and sailors...and so on" (Tosh, "Historians with
Masculinity", 182). Men also turned to homosexuality but although the
"'gay life' was very remained firmly out of sight"
(Tosh, "Historians with Masculinity", 182). Due to sexual promiscuity
through prostitutes STDs spread through society. In 1864 the first Contagious
Diseases Act was enacted. This law held women responsible for the spread of
STDs; therefore, doctors could legally examine any woman, or mechanically rape
her, upon suspicion.
What is a 'new woman'?
Victorian new woman has multiple identities. She is a "feminist activist,
a social reformer, a popular novelist, a suffragette playwrite, a woman
poet" (Ledger 1). This feminine character was just rising in the Victorian
Era- it becomes much more popular and developed after the Victorian era. She is
often just a woman wanting to become independent of men and willing to step
outside conventions of the ideal woman. Lady Audley in Lady Audley's Secret by Braddon encompasses elements of a new
woman. Lady Audley is abandoned by her husband--he goes off to make a fortune
in Australia, but we do not know if he will return. So Lady Audley takes
matters into her own hands and decides to leave her child with her father and
make a new life for herself. She changes her name and becomes a governess. She
then advances through society using her beauty and masked intellect, eventually
marrying a rich old widower. However, her first husband returns and discovers
her so she pushes him down a well. Lady Audley is an ideal woman up front, but
is willing to step outside those limitations to use her intellect and strive to
make a better life for herself and become independent of her first husband and
child--these are attributes of a new woman. (Braddon).
The Lady of Shalott
Lady of Shalott" by Tennyson shows us an ideal woman trying to break away
from conventions. The Lady of Shalott stays inside the house and is very
innocent and delicate. In a painting rendition by John Waterhouse, she is with
her knitting work in front of her while looking through the mirror, a very
domestic activity. So she fits this ideal domestic and feminine role. However,
she decides that she is "half sick of shadows" and breaks away from
the confinement of the house and feminine role (Tennyson 71). In consequence of
breaking away from this tradition a curse comes upon her and she dies before
she ever gets to Camelot. Through "The Lady of Shalott" we see the
tension of the limiting feminine ideal in society and women trying to break
away from that ideal.
Femininity: 'Ideal woman'
femininity equated a picture of a "fragile heroine, pure and innocent,
more attached to virginity than to life" (Basch XV). In the Victorian era,
there emerged three different types of women: the ideal woman, the new woman,
and the fallen woman. Traditional femininity is representative of the ideal
Victorian woman. The Angel in the House
by Coventry Patmore became a defining poem for the ideal woman. An ideal woman
pleases men and to please "is a woman's pleasure," she is also
"too gentle even to force," and when the man does something wrong she
is expected to give pardon before he asks and then weep as if "the sin was
hers" when he asks for the pardon (Patmore 2, 9, 16). The home was
supposed to be feminine, a place for "nurture and love" (Tosh,
"A Man's Place", 47).
One affects the other
points out that the "fantasy of ideal femininity...also entails a very
problematic fantasy of ideal masculinity, a fantasy which would have generated
at least as much ideological tension for Victorian men as it did for Victorian
women" (53). Therefore, as the roles of masculinity are being re-defined, the roles of femininity are being re-evaluated also. They do not act independently of one another.
Ulysses: two roles of masculinity
“Ulysses” by Tennyson we examine two different male roles through the father
and the son. The father's role is an adventurer, explorer and fighter. This is
a common role for Victorian men because they were charged with the
responsibility to explore colonies and claim land for the glory of the empire.
The father craves "to sail beyond the sunset, and the baths/ of all the
western starts, until [he] die[s]" (Tennyson 60-61). Socially this is an
accepted male duty and role. This role is contrasted with the role of the son.
The son's role in "Ulysses" is to stay at home and rule the land.
There is a lot of tension about the son's duty because it could be interpreted
as a feminine role. The son must "through soft degrees/ subdue [the
people] to the useful and the good" (Tennyson 37-38). Men are
traditionally supposed to be hard, not fulfilling the "offices of
tenderness" (Tennyson 41). It is also a very domestic and feminine role to
stay at home and take care of things while the father, or man, goes off to
gather glory and riches. However, socially ruling is an acceptable role for a
man. Queen Victoria claimed that in order to be a good women--to be
"feminine and amiable and domestic"--women were "not fitted to
reign" (Victorian Era LII). Therefore, she let her husband, Albert, rule
the country for the short time he was alive. She was very submissive to his
will and opinion and more took upon herself the domestic mother role (Victorian
Era LII). Therefore, this tension built in "Ulysses" starts to expand
our view of the male roles that are socially acceptable.
All men the same?
So do all Victorian ‘men’ meet Kipling’s
requirements? We examine soldiers in war, a traditional masculine role, in “The
Charge of the Light Brigade” by Tennyson. The soldiers exemplify honor, duty,
and a loyalty to their country and superiors as they ride into war. They are
obedient and courageous, never doubting, even though they are “the six hundred”
“charging an army” (Tennyson 26, 30). There is a sense of impending doom upon
the soldiers as they ride “into the valley of death” (Tennyson, 16). The poem
gives a sense of doubt as the poem moves onward. “Some one had blundered”
sending them to war and “all the world wondered” (Tennyson 12, 31). This doubt
backhandedly challenges the honor and praise given to the six hundred because
it suggests that someone should have challenged this charge. This is regarded
as one of Tennyson's "political poems" and represents his desire for
change in the British system (Sypher 102). The poem suggests the need for
change to minimize mistakes like the call that led the six hundred to their
deaths. The praise and honor given to the soldiers combined with the sense that
someone with a higher ranking had blundered suggests that the change needs to
be with the higher authorities--someone needs to check their decisions.
However, the one who made the call that lead the six hundred facing an army
does not fit Kipling's requirements of a 'man'. The man behind that call
trusted himself while "all the world wondered", when he should have
made "allowance for their doubting" (Tennyson 31) (Kipling 4).
Kipling's requirements for a Victorian man are ideal, but they are not
realistic. So what are the common characteristics of a Victorian male?
Society was based on a
patriarchal system in the Victorian Era. Even though women were expected to be
in the home and supervise all the servants the household authority "was a
pyramidal structure with the father at the top (Tosh, "A Man's
Place", 25). Female ideals were taken from the upper class, and masculine
ideals were also reflected with that standard. Among the traditional masculine
roles are: gentleman, prophet, priest, and soldier (Adams). But what is a
gentleman? During this era, society allows men to qualify for the title
'gentleman' rather than just inheriting it from birth; however, because of this
masculinity and gentility are expected to be the same thing—to be a proper man
you should be a gentleman. John Tosh defines masculinity, or gentility, as both
a psychic and social identity. Masculinity is a psychic identity because the
“subjectivity of every male” as masculinity “takes shape in infancy and
childhood” (Tosh, "Historians with Masculinity", 198). It is a social
identity because masculinity is “inseparable from peer recognition” and also
“depends on performance in the social sphere” (Tosh, "Historians with
Masculinity", 198). This blurs the lines even more in defining a gentleman
through proper masculinity. "If" by Rudyard Kipling defines
characteristics of masculinity so that boys can grow up to be men. However, “If”
sets up a characteristic and then limits that characteristic in a way that
logically seems contradictory. For example, “trust yourself when all men doubt
you, / But make allowance for their doubting too” (Kipling, 3-4). So when
everyone doubts you, trust yourself and do not yield. But when everyone doubts
you, listen to their opinion and yield. Easy enough, right? The characteristics
are very ideal Christian values as they stride toward perfection. However, the
poem ends with, then “…you’ll be a man, may son!” (Kipling 32). This almost
leaves a sense of desperation because you cannot be a man until you master all
of the characteristics in the poem. You are so glad that you have the key to
becoming a man and then you realize that it is unattainable. Crushing
limitations weigh down upon masculinity as society expects perfection from men.
In about 1780, Britain
begins what is now known as the industrial revolution (Mathias, 14-16). Later, Queen
Victoria takes the throne in 1837 marking a rough beginning for the Victorian
Era (Royal Household). Therefore, Britain's industrial revolution was well
underway when the Victorian Era began. The industrial revolution promoted a
great migration of people from the country and farming to cities and factory
work. A middle class emerged in British society as the industrial revolution
continued to boom. This migration and class change opened up the re-evaluation
and complexity of masculinity and femininity.
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