Porphyria’s Lover by Robert Browning
I propped her head up as before,
Only, this time my shoulder bore
Her head, which droops upon it
The smiling rosy little head,
So glad it has its utmost will,
That all it scorned at once is fled,
And I, its love, am gained instead!
Porphyria's love: she guessed not
Her darling one wish would be heard.
And thus we sit together now,
And all night long we have not
And yet God has not said a word!
(49- 60)
The Charge of the Light Brigade by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
"Forward, the Light Brigade!"
Was there a man dismayed?
Not though the soldier knew
Some one had blundered:
Their's not to make reply,
Their's not to reason why,
Their's but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred. (9- 17)
In Tennyson's "The Charge of the Light
Brigade", we see a traditional male role as soldiers go out and fight for
their country. These soldiers exemplify honor and duty and even a loyalty to
their country and superiors because they are riding to their deaths. The poem
explicitly says that it is not the role of a soldier to question orders,
"their's not to make reply, /their's not to reason why, /their's but to do
and die." That is the role of a soldier "to do and die". The
responsibility of unnecessary death of soldiers lies upward in the chain of
command. The person giving the orders was the "some one [who]
blundered". So the poem is a political move for change. The poem almost
demands instituting a check on those giving orders to soldiers so that more
good soldiers do not die senselessly. This poem makes society consciously aware
of the political flaws and needed change.
The rhythm of the
poem sounds like horses unceasingly galloping forward into battle. The end rhymes
are skewed on the word "blundered"--it does not rhyme in the
established pattern, but rhymes with the last line "hundred". This
gives you the direct relationship between this blunder affecting the six
hundred soldiers. Also, the three following parallel lines describing a
soldier's duty flow well together and after we read it our attention reverts
back to 'blundered' because it has not rhythmically been taken care of. So if
you cut out those three lines the poem reads "Some one had blundered:
/Into the valley of Death/ Rode the six hundred". This solidifies the
correlation between the blunder and the impending doom upon the soldiers
brought upon them by this blunder. The person responsible for giving those
orders sent six hundred men directly into the "valley of Death".
Cry of the Children by E.B. Browning
They look up with their
pale and sunken faces,
And their looks are sad
to see,
For the man’s hoary
anguish draws and presses
Down the cheeks of
“Your old earth,” they
say, “is very dreary;
Our young feet,” they
say, “are very weak!
Few paces have we taken,
yet are weary--
Our grave rest is very
far to seek.
Ask the aged why they
weep, not the children;
For the outside earth is
And we young ones stand
without, in our
And the graves are for
the old. (25-37)
Ulysses by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
This is my son, mine own Telemachus,
To whom I leave the sceptre and the
Well-loved of men, discerning to
This labour, by slow prudence to
make mild
A rugged people, and through soft
Subdue them to the useful and the
Most blameless is he, centred in the
Of common duties, decent not to fail
In offices of tenderness, and pay
Meet adoration to my household gods,
When I am gone. He works his work, I
Ulysses by Tennyson
outlines two male roles that are
socially acceptable. The father feels uncomfortable at home because his role is
an adventurer, explorer, and fighter. This was a common role for Great Britain
men because the vast number of colonies and vast amount of land they owned. Men
were charged with exploration and going to claim land for the glory of the
empire. The son's rule is to stay at home and rule the land. There is a lot of
tension about the son's duty because it is written in a feminine way. You do
not often think of men subduing people "through soft degrees" and
dealing with "offices of tenderness". It is a feminine role to stay
at home and take care of things while the father is gone. However, ruling is an
accepted male duty and role. Looking at the monarchy it is very traditional for
men to rule the country. Queen Victoria even said that ruling was a man's job.
She was very supportive and submissive to his will. Although a domestic ruling
role is not typical for a male, Ulysses expands and questions what roles are
socially acceptable for men.
An Apple-Gathering by
Christina Rossetti
plucked pink blossoms from mine apple tree
wore them all that evening in my hair:
in due season when I went to see
found no apples there.
dangling basket all along the grass
I had come I went the selfsame track:
neighbours mocked me while they saw me pass
empty-handed back. (1-8)
This poem has a very simple rhyme scheme. In the
beginning of the poem, the narrator takes blossoms from a tree to make herself beautiful.
However, she did not think through the consequences and did not have any apples
because she had picked all the blossoms. The rhyme scheme shows the same
simplicity the narrator does. This poem shows a shift in feminine values. As
the ideal woman comes from the upper class beauty is more valued than
production. However, as the middle class emerges the ideal woman needs to be
able to function without so many servants- she needs to be able to produce.
This poem reflects this shift in values of femininity. The narrator also
returns to her house the way she had come, in her own "selfsame
track". The implication that the narrator carved her own path and picked
the blossoms herself, condemn her to failure by her own hand. Women in society
subject themselves to men and often condemn their own paths as they allow men
to judge the value of women.
A Christmas Carol by Dickens
bless us every one!" said Tiny Time, the last of all.
sat very close to his father's side, upon his little stool. Bob held his
withered little hand in his, as if he loved the child, and wished to keep him
by his side, and dreaded that he might be taken from him.
said Scrooge, with an interest he had never felt before, "tell me if Tiny
Tim will live."
see a vacant seat," replied the Ghost, "in the poor chimney corner,
and a crutch without an owner, carefully preserved. If these shadows remain
unaltered by the future, the child will die."
no," said Scrooge, "Oh no, kind Spirit say he will be spared."
I believe this is the turning point
for Scrooge and pointedly talks about poverty. Tiny Tim is not able to get the
proper treatment he needs because he lives in a poverty family. The family
works hard, but does not make enough to help Tiny Tim. We also see a turning
point in Scrooge because he yearns for another's life. Earlier in the story he
says that the poor should just hurry up and die so there will be more room.
However, now we see this hard working poor family trying to make ends meet
without having enough. Scrooge has a strong connection to this family because
he provides the sparse income they live on. You see the humanization of Scrooge
when he is overcome with "an interest he had never felt before"- an
interest in a poor person's well being. It isn't until he notes the love of the
father (Scrooge's employee) towards Tiny Tim that Scrooge asks about Tiny Tim's
future. It is love that moves Scrooge towards change and softens his heart
towards the family that works so hard. This book is written as a commentary
about the poor and how those with wealth to spare, like Scrooge, should help
the poor in whatever ways they can. That is the epiphany and change of heart
that Scrooge undergoes. There is a careful trend to only help the poor who are
hard-working and not the poor that don't have a job and just live off society.
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